Published on
1:02 PM
Motivations in life
research suggests simple actions can project power, persuade others,
increase empathy, boost cognitive performance and more...
We tend to think of body language as something that expresses our
internal states to the outside world. But it also works the other way
around: the position of our body also influences our mind.As the following psychological research shows, how we move can drive both thoughts and feelings and this can boost performance.
1. Pose for power
If you want to feel more powerful then adopt a powerful posture. Carney et al. (2010) found that when people stood or sat in powerful poses for one minute—those involving open limbs and expansive gestures—they not only felt more powerful but had increased levels of testosterone flooding their systems. Powerful poses take up more space, so spread your body and open up the arms or legs. When you dominate the space, your mind gets the message.2. Tense up for willpower
Tensing up your muscles can help increase your willpower. In a series of 5 studies Hung and Labroo (2011) found that when people firmed up their muscles they were better able to withstand pain, resist tempting food, take an unpleasant medicine and pay attention to disturbing information. So, if you need to increase your willpower, tense your muscles. It should help.3. Cross arms for persistence
If you're stuck on a problem which needs persistence then try crossing your arms. Friedman and Elliot (2008) had participants do just that and found they worked longer at a set of difficult anagrams. In fact about twice as long. Their persistence led to more correct solutions.4. Lie down for insight
If crossing your arms doesn't work then try lying down. When Lipnicki and Byrne (2005) had anagram solvers lying down, they solved them faster. Since anagrams are a type of insight problem, lying down may help you reach creative solutions.5. Nap for performance
While you're lying down, why not have a nap? Napping is an art-form though. Nap too long and you'll suffer from sleep inertia: the feeling of being drowsy for an extended period. Nap too little and there's no point. Where's the sweet spot?Brooks & Lack (2005) compared 5, 10, 20 and 30 minute naps to find the best length. For increased cognitive performance, vigour and wakefulness, the best naps were 10 minutes long. Benefits were seen immediately after 10 minute naps but after longer naps it took longer to wake up. Five minute naps only provided half the benefit, but were better than nothing.
6. Gesture for persuasion
The way people's hands cut through the air while they talk is fascinating. But it's more than just a by-product of communication. Maricchiolo et al. (2008) found that hand-gestures help increase the power of a persuasive message when compared to no use of gesture. Most effective are gestures which make what you are saying more understandable. For example, when referring to the past, point behind you.7. And gesture for understanding
Gestures aren't only helpful for persuading others, they also help us think. In a study of children, Cook et al. (2007) found that children who were encouraged to gesture while learning, retained more of what they learnt. Moving our hands may help us learn; more generally we actually seem to think with our hands.8. Smile for happiness
The very act of smiling can make you feel happy, whether it's justified or not. Strack et al. (1988) had participants holding pens in their mouths either so that it activated the muscles responsible for smiling, or not. Those whose smiling muscles were activated rated cartoons as funnier than others whose smiling muscles weren't activated by the pen in their mouth. So, forcing a smile really does make us see the world in a better light.9. Mimic to empathise
If you want to get inside someone's head, you can try copying their behaviour. Those who are good at empathising do it automatically: copying accent, posture, expressions and so on. If you can copy it, you will feel it yourself and then you'll get a hint of what others are feeling. It's what actors have known for years: mimicry is a great way of simulating others' emotional states.10. Imitate to comprehend
The idea that copying helps us understand others works for thought as well as emotion. In an experiment by Adank (2010), participants found it easier to decipher an unfamiliar accent if they tried to imitate it themselves. Some psychologists go further, claiming that imitating others helps us predict what they are going to do (e.g. Pickering & Garrod, 2007).Embodied cognition
Many of these studies support a theory about human life (and indeed all life) called 'embodied cognition'. The idea is that we don't just think with our minds, we also think with our bodies. Our mind isn't a brain in a jar, it is connected to a body which moves around in an environment.As life becomes increasingly virtual, played out on screens of varying sizes, we need reminding that the connection between mind and body is two-way. Human intelligence is more than abstract processing power; it's about the interaction between mind, body and the world around us.
నచ్చితే నలుగురికి చెప్పండి...నచ్చక పొతే వదిలి పడేయండి ....!
"నాకీ మధ్య నిద్ర సరిగ్గా పట్టడం లేదండీ" Doctorతో అనాడు సూరిబాబు.
"ఏదైనా government ఉద్యోగం సంపాదించండి. మీసమస్య తీరుతుంది." చెప్పాడు Doctor.
నచ్చితే నలుగురికి చెప్పండి...నచ్చక పొతే వదిలి పడేయండి ....!
Published on
11:57 AM
Motivations in life
‘Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends…. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.’ ~Henry David Thoreau
We are not consumers. We are people.
> We are not living lives meant to earn money in order to support a shopping habit, or a large home and two cars, or lives of luxury eating and entertainment.
We are not living to support the corporations. And yet, if you were to take an objective, outsider look at our society, it would seem that we are.
We spend our childhoods — precious years that are far too fleeting — in schools geared to give us the best chance at getting a job. We then graduate and are highly pressured to go to college (getting into large debt in the process) so we can have the best chance at getting a good paying job. Then we claw at each other for the coveted but limited good paying jobs, and the winners are rewarded with big homes and SUVs and nice clothes (and lots of debt to go with all that). The losers are stuck in menial jobs they hate, envious of others they see on TV with luxury lives, eating cheap fast food and consigned to shopping at bargain outlets.
Either way, we find our path as consumers. And everything is solved by consumption — when we’re stressed, we shop. When we want to be entertained, we buy the entertainment. We buy our food in packages, we fix our failing health by buying exercise clothes and equipment. We fix our debt by buying personal finance books and taking out a second mortgage.
Our lives are beholden to our shopping habits. We are slaves to corporations, doing work we loathe for stuff we don’t need.
What if we could break out of it?
What’s the alternative?
The funny thing is, there are millions of alternatives. But we’ve been so trained to believe there is only one way, that we can barely imagine something different.
What would life be like without advertising, shopping malls, online shopping, working for large corporations, wearing large logos all over our clothing, having Apple logos over every device we own, watching movies and television shows developed by large corporations and made for the masses?
It would be quieter, maybe, with more free time. Without having to buy so much, we would work less. What a revolutionary concept! And yet it is: developments in technology have not resulted in less work, but more (a must read: Bertrand Russell’s In Praise of Idleness).
It would be more focused on people instead of stuff. It would be healthier, as we would (likely) move more, get outdoors more, eat less fast food and more real food.
That’s all idealizing, of course, but it’s an alternative I could see happening. We’d have to break free of the consumerist mindset first.
Steps to Freedom
We must first become more aware of what has been done to our minds. When we watch an ad on TV, in a movie, on the web, what urges does this bring up in us? Why are we watching the ad in the first place? Can we avoid it?
Watch less TV. Avoid malls and shopping. Block ads on the web (and yes, I’ve heard the arguments about stealing money from content producers, and I’m not convinced — I make money without ads).
Buy less. When you have urges to buy, consider whether it’s a true need or just a desire. Learn to be content with life as it is, rather than wanting to buy things to make it better.
If there’s something you truly need, consider borrowing it, or making it yourself, or finding it used. If you buy it new, try to buy it from a real person rather than a corporation — a small businessperson or craftsperson. It might be more expensive but cheap turns out to be the most costly of all.
Get creative. Find free forms of entertainment. Form a cooperative of creatives and workers rather than a corporation. Pool resources, form libraries for everything.
Learn to build things and sew things and cook and grow. It’s ancient technology, but it still works. It’s simple and it’s all we need.
Eschew the values of the corporations, of consumption and desire.
Become free. You deserve it.
‘There must be more to life than having everything!’ ~Maurice Sendak—
నచ్చితే నలుగురికి చెప్పండి...నచ్చక పొతే వదిలి పడేయండి ....!
Published on
12:34 AM
Motivations in life
1.నీవు ప్రేమించిన అమ్మాయికి నీవు నచ్చకపోవచ్చు ...... కానీ నీ ప్రేమ నచ్చొచ్చు కదా ...!ప్రేమని
ప్రేమగా హార్ట్ ఫుల్ గా ఫీల్ అయితేనే ఆ ప్రేమకు విలువ ..! నీవు లవ్ చేసిన
అమ్మాయి నీ లవ్ ని అర్థం చేసుకోకపోవచ్చు ...కానీ నీవు లవ్ చేసిన అమ్మాయి
హ్యాపీగా ఉండాలి అని కోరుకోవటంలోనే ప్రేమ యొక్క గొప్పతనం ...
2.నీకు నచ్చింది పదిమందికి నచ్చలేదు అని ఫీల్ అయ్యేకన్నా..., ఆ పదిమందికి నచ్చందికి నీకు నచ్చింది అని హ్యాపీగా ఫీల్ అవ్వటంలోనే గొప్పతనం ఉంది ..
3.వెలుగును చూడాలంటే చీకటిలో నుండి బయటపడలనుకోవటం కాదు .., జస్ట్ డోర్ ఓపెన్ చేస్తే చాలు ..ఆ వెలుగే నిన్ను వెతుక్కుంటూ వస్తుంది....
4.గెలవాలంటే ఓటమికి దూరంగా పరిగెత్తటం కాదు ..., ఓ క్షణం ఆగి ఆలోచిస్తే అర్థం అవుతుంది ఆ ఓటమిలోనే గెలుపుందని ....!
5.ప్రేమంటేనే శాశ్వత విరహం అంతేనా .? ప్రేమిస్తేనే సుదీర్గ నరకం నిజమేనా.??? మనసు ఉంది మమత ఉంది పంచుకునే నువ్వు తప్పా ఊపిరి ఉంది ఆయువు ఉంది ఉండాలనే ఆశ తప్ప దేవత లోను ద్రోహం ఉందని తెలిపావు దీపం కూడా దహి ఇస్తుందని తేల్చావు .....!!!!!!!
నచ్చితే నలుగురికి చెప్పండి...నచ్చక పొతే వదిలి పడేయండి ....! Tweet

2.నీకు నచ్చింది పదిమందికి నచ్చలేదు అని ఫీల్ అయ్యేకన్నా..., ఆ పదిమందికి నచ్చందికి నీకు నచ్చింది అని హ్యాపీగా ఫీల్ అవ్వటంలోనే గొప్పతనం ఉంది ..
3.వెలుగును చూడాలంటే చీకటిలో నుండి బయటపడలనుకోవటం కాదు .., జస్ట్ డోర్ ఓపెన్ చేస్తే చాలు ..ఆ వెలుగే నిన్ను వెతుక్కుంటూ వస్తుంది....
4.గెలవాలంటే ఓటమికి దూరంగా పరిగెత్తటం కాదు ..., ఓ క్షణం ఆగి ఆలోచిస్తే అర్థం అవుతుంది ఆ ఓటమిలోనే గెలుపుందని ....!
5.ప్రేమంటేనే శాశ్వత విరహం అంతేనా .? ప్రేమిస్తేనే సుదీర్గ నరకం నిజమేనా.??? మనసు ఉంది మమత ఉంది పంచుకునే నువ్వు తప్పా ఊపిరి ఉంది ఆయువు ఉంది ఉండాలనే ఆశ తప్ప దేవత లోను ద్రోహం ఉందని తెలిపావు దీపం కూడా దహి ఇస్తుందని తేల్చావు .....!!!!!!!
నచ్చితే నలుగురికి చెప్పండి...నచ్చక పొతే వదిలి పడేయండి ....!
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